Jul 28

Proceedings of 2022 Science Workshop available online

The Proceedings of the 13th Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) Science Workshop and the Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society (ACCESS) Conference held jointly on May 18-21, 2022 at the Cox Institute of Agricultural Technology at the Dalhousie University campus in Truro, NS is now available online. The theme was: “Advancing Estuarine Science and …

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May 14

Fundy Tidings May Newsletter now online

The May 2023 issue of Fundy Tidings, the periodic newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership, is now available online in docx and pdf formats.  May 2023 Newsletter DOCX May 2023 Newsletter PDF

Apr 11

BoFEP and NSIS share booth at FSRS Conference.

The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership shared an information booth with the Nova Scotia Institute of Science at the Fishermen and Scientists Research Society held on March 21st in Dartmouth.

Mar 03

Fundy Tidings March Newsletter now online

The March 2023 issue of Fundy Tidings, the periodic newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership, is now available online in docx and pdf formats. March 2023 newsletter docx March 2023 newsletter pdf

Dec 09

BoFEP’s 25th Anniversary

Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership: Creating, Sharing, and Using Knowledge over 25 Years December 8, 2022Admin After a successful Bay of Fundy Conference (Advancing Estuarine Science and Ocean Literacy in Atlantic Canada) 17-21 May 2022, co-hosted with the Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society, work by Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) members and partners has continued …

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Oct 15

BoFEP 2022 AGM – October 21st

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) will be held on Friday October 21st from 1-4 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting with participation via ZOOM. If you would like to participate, please inform Sandra Currie at sandra.currie@fundyforce.ca so that she can send you the ZOOM sign in …

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Sep 16

BoFEP September 2022 newsletter posted

Fundy Tidings, the quarterly newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is now available for download as follows:September 2022 Fundy Tidings docxSeptember 2022 Fundy Tidings pdf Comments or suggestions for future issues can be sent to seapencom@gnail.com

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