Category Archive: Latest News

May 08

St Croix Estuary: An ecological time series, 1937-present

Summary of a Talking Circle, April 27, St. Andrews, NB On April 27, fourteen people gathered in St. Andrews, NB to discuss what the 100-year plankton sampling program at a monitoring site in the St. Croix Estuary shows us about the health of the estuary. This was part of a BoFEP project entitled “St. Croix …

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Apr 24

Invitation to BoFEP Talking Circle – April 27th

100 years of plankton in the St. Croix Estuary—that has been the topic of a project BoFEP has undertaken in cooperation with SAABS. These samples are an important record of this critical food source for Alewives, Herring, and other plankton feeders including a variety of whales. On Monday, April 27, we will be discussing what …

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Mar 30

BoFEP’s Advocacy Policy

BoFEP Advocacy Policy (As adopted at the 24 May 2013 Steering Committee Meeting) The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) recognizes that advocacy can be an important tool used in support of the conservation of the Bay of Fundy ecosystem. Through our collective expertise, experience and perspectives, BoFEP has valuable insights to contribute to dialogue …

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Feb 17

BoFEP Project: Ocean Health Index

BoFEP Project on Ocean  Health Index BoFEP has received funding though the The National Conservation Plan Gulf of Maine Funding from Environment Canada to complete BoFEP’s Ocean Health Index (OHI) project for the Southwestern Bay of Fundy Marine Resources Planning Area (MRPA), a key part of the Gulf of Maine. The OHI is a framework …

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BoFEP 2014-15 Steering Committee
At the 2014 BoFEP Annual General Meeting held in Sackville NB on November 22nd a new 20 member Steering Committee was elected. From these individuals, an 8 member Management Committee was selected.

Nov 16

Review of BoFEP Strategic Plan

Attendees at the 2014 BoFEP AGM are advised that we proposing to revisit its 2011-2015 Strategic Plan at a planned BoFEP Retreat in the near future (Date and location TBA).  This will be an excellent opportunity for moving the group forward, so members are encouraged to read or re-read it and give some thought as …

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Oct 14

BoFEP 2014 Annual General Meeting

2014 Annual General Meeting Date: Friday, November 21, 2014 Time: 1:30pm – 4pm Location:  Mount Allison University, Room 125, Wallace McCain Student Centre, Sackville, New Brunswick  Who : BOFEP members and interested public* For further information contact:  *EVERYONE is welcome, but only registered members are entitled to vote Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) Agenda for 2014 …

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