Category Archive: Latest News

Jun 16

Phenomenal Fundy: A BoFEP book available Spring 2015

The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is pleased to announce a new book: Phenomenal Fundy. Just click the brochure to view or download the PDF document, including a full table of contents and a sneak peek at a few of our chapters! Please click here to receive updates on how to order your copy! Please …

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Apr 10

New project: An ecological time-series study for St Croix Estuary, 1937-2014

BoFEP is thrilled to announce a new project that will combine decades of ecological data and traditional knowledge in the St. Croix region. The project will focus on changes in the plankton populations in response to climate change, and the impact these ecological shifts have on coastal communities. This study will build on recent research …

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Mar 18

In memory of Dr. Michael Burt

It is with deepest sadness that we, at BoFEP, note the passing of Dr. Michael (Mick) D.B. Burt. Mick made  a significant contribution to the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership from its very beginning. He attended the first workshop to form an organization that would be a network of researchers working on the ecology of the Bay …

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Feb 25

Register for the Fundy Science Workshop

  The 10th BoFEP Fundy Science Workshop will be held in conjunction with the Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference. Register today! .. Our Coasts: Legacies and Futures June 15-19, 2014 World Trade and Convention Centre Halifax , Nova Scotia .. The theme of the BoFEP workshop will be “Sustaining the Bay of Fundy: Linking Science, Communication, Policy and …

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Feb 04

New Report: Chemicals of Emerging Concern

Shampoos, soaps, perfumes, cosmetics and cleaning supplies, along with a combination of medications can be found in every kitchen and bathroom cupboard in Canada. All these products have something in common: they’re putting a wide variety of relatively unstudied chemicals down our drains and, ultimately, into our oceans. Pharmaceuticals hitch a ride with every flush …

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Dec 16

10th Fundy Science Workshop: Abstracts due Jan 20

The deadline for submission of abstracts for the 10th Fundy Science Workshop sessions at Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference has been extended until 20 January 2014. Click here for abstract submission information. Click here to create a user profile and submit your abstract.  Online registration for the 2014 Fundy Science Workshop is now open. Registration for the …

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Dec 04

BoFEP Announces New Ocean Health Project

We’re happy to announce a brand new project, beginning in January 2014! With the support of DFO and Environment Canada, BoFEP will be applying the Ocean Health Index to the Bay of Fundy Marine Resources Planning Area.   Take a look at our press release below!     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Bay of Fundy …

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