Category Archive: Latest News

Jun 09

Jeff Ollerhead ~ 2022 BoFEP Environmental Stewardship Award Winner

In 2004 the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership created an award to recognize the significant efforts of individuals in promoting and advancing the environmental stewardship of the Bay of Fundy, reflecting the Mission Statement and Guiding Principles of BoFEP.  BoFEP is proud and delighted to announce that the 2022 Environmental Stewardship Award will be presented …

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Apr 17

Summary of recent BoFEP/ACCESS Science Conference

After a two-year delay due to the pandemic, the Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society (ACCESS) and the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) jointly hosted a conference on “Advancing Estuarine and Coastal Science and Ocean and Climate Literacy,” 17-21 May 2022, at the Dalhousie University Agriculture Campus, Truro, Nova Scotia. Co-chaired by Dr. Jeff Clements, Canada Department of …

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Feb 22

February BoFEP Newsletter Posted

The February 2022 issue of Fundy Tidings, the periodic newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership, is now available online in docx and pdf formats. Fundy Tidings February 2022 docxFundy Tidings February 2022 pdf

Dec 06

BoFEP Report to GOMC Meeting June 2021

GOMC Council Meeting, June 2021 FINAL REPORT BoFEP (Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership) – Peter Wells Next year marks the 25th Anniversary of BoFEP, an NGO group set up to enhance communication about environmental issues (covering science, information, policy and coastal management) around the Bay of Fundy, the north-eastern part of the Gulf of Maine. …

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Sep 28

September BoFEP newsletter posted

The September issue of Fundy Tidings, the periodic newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is now available online in docx and pdf formats. 2021 September docx       2021 September pdf

Sep 28

Article for the BIO-OA Voicepipe Newsletter

Celebrating two Bay of Fundy anniversaries Over many years at BIO, the remarkable, world-renowned, macro-tidal, and highly productive Bay of Fundy has often been a focus of research, monitoring, environmental assessment, and coastal management. Two programs connected closely to BIO that are celebrating anniversaries this year and next are the Gulf of Maine Council on …

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Mar 21

BoFEP May newsletter available

The May issue of Fundy Tidings, the periodic newsletter of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is now available online in docx and pdf formats.

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