

Jul 09

BoFEP/ACCESS 2024 Conference Update

The theme for this year’s conference was “Tides of Change: Accelerating Conservation and Protection Efforts in Atlantic Canada’s Estuaries and Coastal Waters.” The conference was held from June 4-7th at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The Program and Abstract Books for the 2024 BoFEP/ACCESS Conference are now available online:

2024 Conference Program Book

2024 Conference Abstract Book

General overview of conference – particularly from the point of view of participants from the Environmental Information: Use and Influence and the Ocean Frontier Institute Marine Spatial Planning research groups at Dalhousie University.

The Ocean Literacy working Group presented a poster at the recent 2024 Fundy Science Conference in St Andrews entitled: “Enhancing Ocean Literacy in the Fundy Community: Continued activities of BoFEP’s Ocean Literacy Working Group” prepared by M.J.A. Butler, K. MacPherson, S. Rebitt and P.G. Wells. The poster is accompanied by a “Bibliography on Ocean Literacy”.

BoFEP is delighted to announce that the two BoFEP Stewardship Award winners recognized at the recent Fundy Science Conference in St, Andrews, NB, are Karen Jenner and Antony Diamond. Pictures and Bios of the worthy recipients.