About BoFEP

The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is a “Virtual Institute” open to both individuals and groups  who are interested in the well being of the Bay of Fundy. It is our goal to promote the integrity, vitality, biodiversity and productivity of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem, and the social well-being and economic sustainability of its coastal communities. We strive to facilitate communication and co-operation among individuals and organizations interested in understanding, sustainably using and conserving the resources, habitats and ecological processes of the Bay of Fundy.


St Andrews, lower Bay of Fundy | photo by Tim Foulkes

St Andrews, lower Bay of Fundy | photo by Tim Foulkes

The Origins of BoFEP 

In 1995 the Fundy Marine Ecosystem Science Project (FMESP) was initiated to review scientific knowledge of the ecosystem, and the first Fundy science workshop was held in Wolfville, Nova Scotia in January 1996. The outcome of that review was acceptance of the need for further integrated research on the Bay at an ecosystem scale. Given the changing nature of coastal management, it was recognized that a broader organization was needed  to link the scientific research with stakeholders, such as coastal communities, resource users, First Nations, governmental agencies and private sector groups: the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership. Our inaugural meeting was held  at St. Andrews in November, 1997 in conjunction with a joint meeting of the Ecological Assessment and Monitoring Network (EMAN) and FMESP’s second scientific meeting on the Bay.

BoFEP was created to be an inclusive, flexible and multidimensional organization for encouraging  communication and co-operation among all Fundy resource stakeholders and decision-makers. Established as a “Virtual Institute”, with no bricks and mortar, our objective is to foster wise conservation and management of the Bay’s resources and habitats, by disseminating information, monitoring the state of the ecosystem and encouraging co-operative activities .