

Jun 13

Fundy Climate Change Workshops Project

Under the 2010-2014 Gas Tax Agreement and the Municipal Funding Agreement, NS municipalities are required by December 31, 2013, to complete Municipal Climate Change Action Plans (MCCAP). Funded by Environment Canada, BoFEP and Anne Warburton of Elemental Sustainability, hosted two workshops in February 2013, to assist municipalities in the initial stages of climate change action planning. A workshop at Bible Hill was held on February 7th, and another in Annapolis Royal on February 13th. There were thirty-two and eighteen registrants, respectively. Participants were primarily municipal and elected staff. The Advisory Committee that helped shape the workshops included: Pat Hinch, who secured the funding from Environment Canada for the project; Senior Planner Graham Fisher with Service Nova Scotia Municipal Relations; and Alexa Vodicka with the NS Climate Change Directorate. 


Final report