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BoFEP Biennial

Most  recent Workshop/Conference

14th Science Workshop and Joint BoFEP/ACCESS Conference

The theme for this year’s conference was “Tides of Change: Accelerating Conservation and Protection Efforts in Atlantic Canada’s Estuaries and Coastal Waters.” The conference was held from June 4-7th at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The Program and Abstract Books for the 2024 BoFEP/ACCESS Conference are now available online:

2024 Conference Program Book

2024 Conference Abstract Book

General overview of conference – particularly from the point of view of participants from the Environmental Information: Use and Influence and the Ocean Frontier Institute Marine Spatial Planning research groups at Dalhousie University.

 The Ocean Literacy working Group presented a poster at the recent 2024 Fundy Science Conference in St Andrews entitled: “Enhancing Ocean Literacy in the Fundy Community: Continued activities of BoFEP’s Ocean Literacy Working Group” prepared by M.J.A. Butler, K. MacPherson, S. Rebitt and P.G. Wells. The poster is accompanied by a “Bibliography on Ocean Literacy”.

BoFEP is delighted to announce that the two BoFEP Stewardship Award winners recognized at the recent Fundy Science Conference in St, Andrews, NB, are Karen Jenner and Antony Diamond.
2024 Environmental Stewardship Awards Recipients
Click here for a list of past award winners

Recent workshops

13th Science Workshop and Joint BoFEP/ACCESS Conference
The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) and The Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society (ACCESS) held a joint conference on May 18-21, 2022 at the Cox Institute of Agricultural Technology  at the Dalhousie University campus in Truro, Nova Scotia or virtually online. The theme was: “Advancing Estuarine Science and Ocean Literacy in Atlantic Canada”

13th Conference Proceedings (pdf)

Final Conference Program

Book of Conference Abstracts

BoFEP 25th anniversary article 

2024 Environmental Stewardship Award Winners

Past Stewardship Award Recipients

Past Workshops

12th Science Workshop  (2018)
“A Changing Fundy Environment: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Priorities”
9-12 May 2018,
Agricultural Campus, Dalhousie University, Truro, NS.
12th Workshop Proceedings  (PDF 1.99MB)

11th Science Workshop (2016)
“Fundy in Flux: Challenges for Science, Policy and Society”
June 9 – June 11, 2016
St. Thomas University Conference Center, Fredericton, NB
11th Workshop Proceedings (PDF 1.18 MB)

10th Science Workshop (2014)
The 10th BoFEP Fundy Science Workshop 2014 was held in conjunction with the Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference “Our Coasts: Legacies & Futures” from June 15-19, 2014 at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax , Nova Scotia. The theme of the BoFEP workshop was:“Sustaining the Bay of Fundy: Linking Science, Communication, Policy and Community Action”.
10th Workshop Proceedings (PDF 1.6MB)

9th Science Workshop (2011)

“Protecting the Watersheds and Estuaries of the Bay of Fundy:Issues, Science and Management”
Delta Brunswick, Saint John, NB. September 27-30, 2011.
9th Workshop Proceedings (PDF 9.4MB)
Workshop Photo Gallery (PDF)

8th Science Workshop (2009)
“Resource Development and Its Implications in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine”.
May 26-29, 2009. Acadia University, Wolfville, NS.
Workshop Overview and Award Winners
8th Workshop Proceedings [PDF 13.4MB]
Workshop Photo Gallery [PDF]

7th Science Workshop (2006)
“Challenges in Environmental Management in the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine”.
October 25- 27, 2006. Fairmont Algonquin Hotel, St. Andrews, NB.
Workshop overview and award winners.
7th Workshop Proceedings [PDF 4.4MB]
Workshop Photo Gallery [PDF]

6th Science Workshop (2004)
“The Changing Bay of Fundy – Beyond 400 Years”
September 29th – October 2nd, 2004.
Annapolis Basin Conference Centre, Cornwallis Park, Nova Scotia.
Workshop Summary Report (Prepared for GOMCME Summit) [PDF]
Workshop Evaluation Report (Results from evaluation forms) [PDF]
6th Workshop Proceedings. [PDF 12.2MB]

5th Science Workshop (2002)
“Health of the Bay of Fundy: Assessing Key Issues: including The Bay of Fundy Coastal Forum Taking the Pulse of the Bay”.
May 13-16th, 2002. Huggins Hall, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS.
5th Workshop Proceedings [PDF 5.6MB]
Coastal Forum Proceedings [PDF]

4th Science Workshop (2000)
“Opportunities and Challenges for Protecting, Restoring and Enhancing Coastal Habitats in the Bay of Fundy”.
The 4th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop was held jointly with the 4th International Coastal Zone Canada 2000 Conference
September 19 to 21, 2000, at the Trade and Convention Centre in Saint John, NB, Canada.
4th Workshop Proceedings (PDF 13.1MB)

3rd Science Workshop (1999)
“Understanding Change in the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem”.
Proceedings of the 3rd Bay of Fundy Science Workshop
April 22-24, 1999 at Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
3rd Workshop Proceedings (PDF 7.4MB)

2nd Science Workshop (1997)
“Coastal Monitoring and the Bay of Fundy’.
Proceedings of the Maritime Atlantic Ecozone Science Workshop,
St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Nov. 11-15, 1997. Huntsman Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, N.B.196 pp.
2nd Workshop Proceedings (PDF 12.0MB)

1st Science Workshop (1996)
“Bay of Fundy Issues: a scientific overview”.
Workshop Proceedings, Wolfville, N.S.,
January 29 to February 1, 1996.
Environment Canada – Atlantic Region Occasional report No. 8, Environment Canada, Sackville, New Brunswick, 191 pp.
1st Workshop Proceedings (PDF 16.8MB)